R^2 without intercept is not what you want
In R, gives you this example: But the doc does not explain the difference between lm.D9 and lm.D90. Their difference is that lm.D9 has intercept (like weight = intercept + beta * group) while lm.D90 does not (weight = beta * group). But this is only small part of the difference. If you look at…
error != residual
Errors and residuals in statistics – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [quote]The error of a sample is the deviation of the sample from the (unobservable) true function value, while the residual of a sample is the difference between the sample and the estimated function value.[/quoye]
Multiple comparison in R
R: Adjust P-values for Multiple Comparisons Adjust p value using, e.g., Bonferroni correction in mutiple comparisons.
Guessing user profile in social network
http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/amislove/publications/Inferring-WSDM.pdf Friends share social attribute, e.g., school. Thus, even if you hide your profile, it could be predicted from your friends’ profile. This is so true… When I was looking for people to follow on twitter, I started from some engineers I know of. After some time, I was able to follow many people working…
Scorecard is logistic regression
Scorecard is a table to compute, for example, credit score of a person. For example, add 10 if age < 30, add 20 if age < 40, add 30 if age <40, add 10 if he/she does not own a house, and add 20 if he/she owns a house. The grand sum of this process…
svm tool
LIBSVM — A Library for Support Vector Machines includes a introduction for beginner and pythin tool.
Data Mining Course Material from psu
material.html Looks pretty readable and nice._________________________________________
Statistical data matching (or data fusion)
http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/cache/ITY_PUBLIC/NTTS2001/43.pdf Statistical method to combine data from different sources when exact matching of key is not feasible. For example, combine health data and income data from two different sources when SSN is not available because of privacy issue.
Elements of modern c++ style by herb sutter
http://herbsutter.com/elements-of-modern-c-style/ 좋은글이 있어서 올립니다. 책하나 빨리 내주셨음 좋겠네요. 전체 새로운 feature 목록은 http://www2.research.att.com/~bs/C++0xFAQ.html에 있습니다.
Proportion estimation in R
Given 1 (head of a coin) and 0(tail of a coin) as a sequence like 101011110101, …, we want to figure out the proportion of 1 in population, i.e., how likely is it to observe head for the given coin. Let X be the random variable where 1 means head and 0 means tail. If…