Tag: software
Google Javascript style guide
Google Javascript style guide
Javascript string and number
“3” + 1 : “31” 1 + “3” : “13” But, “3”-1 : 2 “4” / 2 : 2 “2” * 2 : 4 “2” * “2”: 4
Consistent Hashing
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consistent_hashing A hash scheme that does not affects the entire hash table when a node is inserted or deleted. Machines are assigned to the circular nodes, and if a machine crashes, the keys in the crashed machine are moved to the following node in the circle. This is becoming really popular due to no SQL…
Gossip Protocol
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gossip_protocol Pairewise periodic comm. based protocol to spread information which resembles the way how gossip spreads among ppl. This protocol assumes a faulty network and decentralized. Epidemic algorithms are the ones that adopt gossip protocol. Simple algorithm w/ cute name.
Hash Teee(Merkle Tree)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_tree A tree where a parent contains hash of it’s children. Likewise, root has hash of all nodes. Useful for contents comparison without downloading entire tree or files. Also useful for file synchronization(e.g., Amazon Dynamo); detect missing files easily and sync.
Interpolation search – beating the binary search
http://sna-projects.com/blog/2010/06/beating-binary-search/ Instead of just picking the middle, guess the position where the target value appears, and compares the value in the position with the target. This obtains O(loglogN).
simhash (minhash)
Near duplicate documents 를 찾는 식 중에 Jaccard coefficient라는 것이 있습니다. 어떤 문서내 term id들이 로 정의된다고 하면, Jaccard coefficient는 로 정의됩니다. 즉 term이 몇개나 겹치나하는 것이죠. 이런 term의 겹침을 계산하는 방법 중 하나는 locality sensitive hashiing입니다. 위키의 식 중 하나를 인용해서 설명하면 가 localitiy sensitive hashing입니다. 즉, 어떤 해싱 함수를 써서 a와 b를 변환한다음…
Never, ever, swallow your stack trace.
I came across this kind of exception handling code. This is pretty common pattern. Right? You create a list of several instances and iterate over them to do something. Actually, that’s the beautiful pattern commonly used. But, the code actually has a pitfall. Look at the error handling part. Can you identify it? At first…
Broken javascript word counting code that irritates me
Based on the Javascript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford. (I highly recommend this book to everyone.) Output: constructor: function Object() { [native code] }11 is: 1 a: 1 Reason: Because you have ‘Constructor’ in your parent class (or prototype) of word_cnt!!!!!! And that’s a string! So you add 1 to that string! and 1…
Bind function for binding parameters in javascript
I’ve written a bind function that binds the given parameters to the designated function as a practice.