Override mathjax in mdbook


If your mdbook is using mathjax v2.x (which is the case when downloading mac binary), you can override its font and expression to trigger mathjax.

In book.toml, add the followings

mathjax-support = true
additional-js = ["mathjax-config.js"]

And in mathjax-config.js (which should be at the top of your project directory and not under src):

    "HTML-CSS": { scale: 90, availableFonts: ["TeX"] },
    tex2jax: {
        inlineMath: [
            ["$", "$"],
            ["\\(", "\\)"],

Change ‘scale’ to adjust font size. Also, see the $…$ in inlineMath. Now you can inline using $equation$ which is much easier than \\(…\\)