Best Approximation Theorem


When we want to find X of AX=B and if there is no exact answer X, then the least square approximation of X is the projection of B onto in column vector space col(A).

That’s because, if column vectors in A are linearly independent, col(A) consists of a vector space. If there is no exact answer X, then AX \neq B. Thus, B exists outside the vector space col(A). The best approximation of least square distance between AX and B is when AX^* is projection of B onto col(A) where X^* is the best approximation.

Thus, (B-AX^*) \bot AX = 0 and (B-AX^*)^TAX=0 and as it holds for every X, X^*=(A^T A)^{-1}A^TB.
