How to cache function output to the disk given pandas obj params


joblib.Memory doesn’t seem to be performing correct hash computation, so I wrote a ‘cache’ decorator. It considers parameters and the argument values to determine if cached value can be used. As a bonus, this even can consider functions as the arguments.

def cache(params_to_ignore: set[str]=None):
  """Decorator to cache the return value of a function."""
  def cache_decorator(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
      call_args = inspect.getcallargs(func, *args, **kwargs)
      h = hashlib.sha256()
      nonlocal params_to_ignore
      if params_to_ignore is None:
        params_to_ignore = set()
      for k, v in call_args.items():
        if k in params_to_ignore:
        if isinstance(v, pd.DataFrame):
          # column names are excluded in hash_pandas_object.
        if isinstance(v, pd.Series | pd.DataFrame | pd.Index):
          for pd_hash in hash_pandas_object(v):
        elif inspect.isfunction(v):
        elif isinstance(v, str | int | float | bool):
          # e.g., list of pd.DataFrame
          raise RuntimeError('Not supported type: ' + str(type(v)))
      filename = f'{h.hexdigest()}.pkl'
      if should_use_cache():
        cached = load(filename=filename)
        if cached is not None:
          return cached
      ret_val = func(*args, **kwargs)
      save(ret_val, filename=filename)
      return ret_val
    return wrapper
  return cache_decorator

You need to write your own save(), load(), and should_use_cache(). The purpose of should_use_cache() is to temporarily disable cache operations (or to rewrite cached values).

Use the above like:

@cache({'b'})  # param 'b' is ignored from hash key
def foo(a, b, c):
  ... long computation ...

# Call anyway you want.
foo(1, 2, 3)
foo(1, b=2, c=3)

I’m using the caching technique above for my quant programs :-)


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