Tag: cloud

  • GCE disk monitoring

    This was something I didn’t know about until my disk became full on my gce instance. By default, disk usage isn’t listed in the alerts for monitoring, so it’s very easy to forget to configure that. To monitor disk usage, install a package and add monitoring per https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/review-disk-metrics. And then alert on their values.

  • How to limit or cap google cloud budget

    The documents are there, but a bit hard to comprehend and follow. So I’m writing the steps here. Firstly, create a budget. I am receiving email alerts already when the 50%, 70%, etc. of budget is hit. It can be set up following this. Now you need to shutdown your service if the budget reaches…

  • How to fix impersonation error in using vertexai

    Somehow the authentication part isn’t easy to find in a single place, so I’m adding it. For local dev, run: That’ll make your code to use your own google account. After that, restart your dev environment to use it. If your code is running in Google Compute Engine (GCE) or Cloud Run, you need to…

  • Using a static external IP for google cloud run

    Using static ip for google cloud run when connecting to external network is pretty useful if any of your external counterpart is using ip address based authentication, e.g., mongodb. There’s VPC peering to solve this problem, but it takes a good amount of money for small experiments. This document explains how one can use static…