JSR 273-Design-Time API for JavaBeans


Java Rockets Closer to VB-like Ease with JSR 273

Java Think versus VB Think

Suppose you’re working to develop a new technology, such as voice recognition. The Java folks would approach that problem by defining a set of interfaces, classes, and configuration files, according to Nuxoll. VB and .NET developers, by contrast, would solve that task by asking instead what set of visual components could be combined together to provide the desired functionality. In other words, in the Java world, the solutions are focused on class libraries, not component libraries. .NET developers, on the other hand, think of solving problems in terms of components, rather than class libraries and configuration files.

결론만 딱 떼놓고 이야기하자면, Beans간의 동적인 link를 가능하게 해주는 API set 이 JSR273입니다. 그리고 이를 통해 IDE에서 드래그 엔 드롭 개발이 가능하게 된다..라는 것이죠.

본문에서 언급된 Project Rave라는건 SUN의 개발툴 이야기 같군요. 근데 그건 공짜가 아니라서 ;;


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