Memory barrier


글쓴이:Ross Bencina (
제목:Re: What does Memory Barriers mean ??
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날짜:2004-06-10 08:57:30 PST

[see below for revised Memory Barrier definition which I intend to post to

I wasn’t sure where to put this post, but I’ve revised the definition
considerably to include everyone’s comments including those of the parent
(thanks Joe).

I’ve avoided confusing “memory visibility semantics” and “memory barriers
and hardware memory models” and tried to make it clear that these are
different levels of abstraction. This also allows me to discuss the hazards
of depending on a particular mapping between them.

I’ve made it clear that out-of-order execution is the main reason memory
barriers are needed. I havn’t mentioned cache coherency at all, inspite of
Joe’s mention of the Alpha processor.

There is now a small mention of C’s “volatile” keyword.

I would have liked to include a discussion of “portable” memory barrier
instructions such as the Linux kernel functions.. perhaps in a later
revision this can be covered.

Memory Barrier
a.k.a membar or memory fence

Modern CPUs employ mechanisms which can result in operations being executed
out-of-order, including memory loads and stores. A Memory Barrier is a
general term used to refer to instructions which cause the CPU to enforce an
ordering constraint on memory operations issued before and after the barrier
instruction. The exact nature of the ordering constraint is hardware
dependent, and is defined by the architecture’s memory model. Some
architectures provide multiple barriers for enforcing different ordering

Memory barriers are typically used when implementing low-level code which
operates on memory shared by multiple devices. Such code includes
sychronisation primitives and lock free data structures on multiprocessor
systems, and drivers which communicate with hardware.

An Illustrative Example

When a program runs on a singe CPU, the hardware performs the necessary
book-keeping to ensure that programs execute as if all memory operations
were performed in program order, hence memory barriers are not necessary.
However, when the memory is shared with multiple devices, such as other CPUs
in a multiprocessor system, or memory mapped prehipherals, out-of-order
access may affect program behavior. For example a second CPU may see memory
changes made by the first CPU in a sequence which differs from program

The following two processor program gives a concrete example of how such
out-of-order execution can affect program behavior:


Initially, memory locations x and f both hold the value 0. The program
running on processor #1 loops until the value of f is non-zero, then it
prints the value of x. The program running on processor #2 stores the value
42 into x and then stores the value 1 into f. Pseudo code for the two
program fragments is shown below. The steps of the program correspond to
individual processor instructions.

Processor #1:
load the value in location f, if it is 0 goto loop
print the value in location x

Processor #2:
store the value 42 into location x
store the value 1 into location f

<<< You might expect the print statement to always print the number "42", however if processor #1's store operations are executed out-of-order it is possible that f would be updated _before_ x, and the print statement might print "0". For some programs this situation is not acceptable. A memory barrier can be inserted before processor #1's assignment to f to ensure that the new value of x was visible to other processors at or prior to the change in the value of f. Low Level Architecture-Specific Primitives ------------------------------------------ Memory barriers are low level primitives which are part of the definition of an architecture's memory model. Like instruction sets, memory models vary considerably between architctures, so it is not appropriate to generalise about memory barrier behavior. The received wisdom is that to use memory barriers correctly you should study the architecture manuals for the hardware which you are programming. That said, the following paragraph offers a glimpse of some memory barriers which exist in the wild. Some architectures provide only a single memory barrier instruction sometimes called "full fence". A full fence ensures that all load and store operations prior to the fence will have been commited prior to any loads and stores issued following the fence. Other architectures provide separate "aquire" and "release" memory barriers which address the visibility of read-after-write operations from the point of view of a reader (sink) or writer (source) respectively. Some architectures provide separate memory barriers to control ordering between different combinations of system memory and i/o memory. When more than one memory barrier instruction is available it is important to consider that the cost of different instructions may vary considerably. "Threaded" Programming and Memory Visibility -------------------------------------------- Threaded programs usually use synchronisation primitives provided by a high-level programming environment such as Java, or a C API such as POSIX pthreads or Win32. Primitives such as mutexes and semaphores are provided to synchronise access to resources from paralell threads of execution. These primitives are usually implemented with the memory barriers required to provide the expected memory visibility semantics. When using such environments explicit use of memory barriers is not generally necessary. Each API or programming environment has it's own high-level memory model which defines its memory visibility semantics. Although you don't usually need to use memory barriers in such high level environments, it's important to understand their memory visibility semantics. Such understanding is not necessarily easy to achieve because memory visibility semantics are not always consistently specified or documented. Just as programming language semantics are defined at a different level of abstraction to machine language opcodes, a programming environment's memory model is defined at a different level of abstraction to that of a hardware memory model. It's important to understand this distinction and realise that there is not always a simple mapping between low-level hardware memory barrier semantics and the high-level memory visibility semantics of a particular programming environment. As a result, a particular platform's implementation of (say) pthreads may employ stronger barriers than required by the specification. Programs which take advantage of memory visibility as-implemented rather than as-specified may not be portable. Out-of-order Execution vs. Compiler Reordering Optimisations ------------------------------------------------------------ Memory barrier instructions only address reordering effects at the hardware level. Compilers may also reorder instructions as part of the program optimization process. Although the effects on parallel program behavior can be similar in both cases, in general it is necessary to take separate measures to inhibit compiler reordering optimisations for data that may be shared by multiple threads of execution. Note that such measures are usually only necessary for data which is not protected by synchronisation primitives such as those discussed in the previous section. In C, the “volatile” keyword is provided to inhibit optimisations which
remove or reorder memory operations on a variable marked as volatile. This
will provide a kind of barrier for interruptions which occur on a single
CPU, such as signal handlers or concurrent threads on a uniprocessor system.
However, the use of “volatile” is insufficient to guarantee correct ordering
for multiprocessor systems because it only impacts reorderings performed by
the compiler, not those which may be performed by the CPU during execution.

Some languages and compilers may provide sufficient facilities to implement
functions which address both the compiler reordering and machine reordering
issues, however it is usually advisable to be very careful about this, for
example by carefully inspecting compiler generated code. Some developers
advocate coding in assembley language to avoid compiler reordering issues.

Comments anyone?


> In C, the “volatile” keyword is provided to inhibit optimisations which
> remove or reorder memory operations on a variable marked as volatile. This
> will provide a kind of barrier for interruptions which occur on a single
> CPU, such as signal handlers or concurrent threads on a uniprocessor system.
> However, the use of “volatile” is insufficient to guarantee correct ordering
> for multiprocessor systems because it only impacts reorderings performed by
> the compiler, not those which may be performed by the CPU during execution.
> Some languages and compilers may provide sufficient facilities to implement
> functions which address both the compiler reordering and machine reordering
> issues, however it is usually advisable to be very careful about this, for
> example by carefully inspecting compiler generated code. Some developers
> advocate coding in assembley language to avoid compiler reordering issues.

How about java and .NET? They also have volatile keyword and AFAIK,
volatile keyword has the same effect as synchronized/lock. (Though the
JDK 1.4 or lower does not properly implementing volatile, let’s
concentrate on the intented meaning of volatile.)

For example,

int a;
Object lock;

void someMethod() {
synchronized(lock) {

has the same effect as

volatile int a;

void someMethod() {

In other words, volatile in JAVA and .NET is also a construct of
*locking* as well as preventing reordering. Am I missing something

Minkoo Seo

목록안의 메시지 15
글쓴이:Alexander Terekhov (
제목:Re: What does Memory Barriers mean ??

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날짜:2004-06-12 09:02:54 PST

Min-Koo Seo wrote:
> void someMethod() {
> synchronized(lock) {
> a++;
> }
> }
> has the same effect as
> volatile int a;
> void someMethod() {
> a++;
> }
> In other words, volatile in JAVA [… snip …] is also a construct
> of *locking* as well as preventing reordering.

No. In {revised} Java, volatile reads and writes are atomic (and
they also seem to prevent reordering in a somewhat “stronger” way
than locks — StoreLoad barrier), but there’s no guarantee that
volatile read-modify-write is atomic. Volatiles are braindead.


목록안의 메시지 20
글쓴이:SenderX (
제목:Re: What does Memory Barriers mean ??

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날짜:2004-06-12 14:00:49 PST

> but there’s no guarantee that
> > volatile read-modify-write is atomic.

That’s what java’s atomic ops are for…


글쓴이:SenderX (
제목:Re: What does Memory Barriers mean ??

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날짜:2004-06-12 15:48:20 PST

> > > Volatiles are braindead.

The C/C++ std shoud rip its dead brain out, and replace it with a new one
that can actually comprehend threads and memory visibility…



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